Dear Sujhaab Chautaari,
I want to go for a Bachelor’s in Information Technology, but there are many different options. Could you tell me what is the best IT degree to get among BIT, BIM and BSc CSIT?
– Asmita, Birtamode, Jhapa.
Dear Asmita,
Thank you for your question. We know that choosing the right course after high school can be very overwhelming. It seems like you have decided to go into the field of IT. Congratulations on making the first choice. Since a big part of your dilemma on what specific course to choose probably comes from a lack of knowledge of the types of skills you will learn, the learning environment of the universities that offer them, and the job prospects afterwards, the Sujhaab Chautaari team has done some research for you and come up with a compilation of various resources on the web.
We hope this will make you more informed about these different courses. However, we do not know your particular interests and career goals, and cannot provide expert advice. We suggest you use this material as a reference, and talk to your school administration and current or past students to help you make the actual decision.
Here is a quick snapshot of the various facets of BIM, BIT, and BSc CSIT courses:
Bachelors in Information Management (BIM)
Basics: 4 years, affiliated to Tribhuvan University
Eligibility: Students with at least 60%(first division) in +2 or equivalent (in any field) are eligible to apply. Need to successfully pass the BIM CMAT exam.
Internship: Students need to complete an internship during their final year.
This degree is a hybrid program of management and information technology courses, and is geared towards helping you learn how to use technology as well as impart some management skills. Some roles that require you to use technology to manage information include Data Analyst, Survey Manager, IT Consultants or Software Engineers for the business and finance sectors. In general, this Bachelor’s is less useful for those who see a career in the IT sector, and more useful for those who might be thinking of going for an MBA eventually, but want to pick up some IT skills first.
Further Studies: BIM is a graduation program in the management field. BIM graduates are able to enroll in Masters in Management (MBA) or in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems or Information Technology.
Bachelors in Information Technology (BIT)
Basics: 4 years, affiliated to Purbanchal University.
Eligibility: Students from any field are eligible to apply. The applicants should have successfully passed +2 or equivalent with at least 45% in Mathematics.
Internship: Not required.
The programme aims to train students to become professionals in the field of information technology. BIT graduates can explore various careers in IT such as Web Developer, Computer Programmer, System Administrator, Database Administrator, Application Programmer, Software Engineer, Multimedia Professionals, Software Testers and IT Manager.
Further Studies: BIT graduates are eligible for Masters in Information Management and Technology, Computer Science, Computer Applications. They can also pursue an MBA.
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc.CSIT)
Basics: 4 years, affiliated to Tribhuvan University.
Eligibility: Successfully completed +2 or equivalent with a science background, and achieved at least second division. Candidates also need to successfully pass the entrance examination conducted by TU, securing at least 35%.
Internship: Students need to complete an internship during their final year.
This course is a blend of Computer Science and Information Technology aimed at developing the skills that are essential for both computer professionals and IT specialists. The course builds up the skills that are essential for both computer and IT professionals including Systems Analysts, Network Administrator, Computer Programmers, Database Administrator, Web Developers, Network administrators, search engine optimization officers, telecommunication engineers, computer system analysts and IT managers.
Further Studies: T.U. offers an M.Sc. CSIT course. Bsc. CSIT graduates can go for a Masters in Science, Computer Applications, Information Management and Technology. They can also pursue Masters in Management, Arts, Education and Humanities.
So, in short, if you would like to get into more of a management role with technology as a bonus skill, such as survey management, then you would lean towards BIM. For hard-core information technology careers, you should definitely take a look at BSc. CSIT. However, if you don’t have the requisite science background in high school or do not meet the other entrance requirements for BSc CSIT, then BIT is a good compromise to further your career in information technology.
Good luck with the next step in your journey!
Further reading:
If you have any career related questions, please send us your queries at Ask Chautaari

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