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Illustration: Anushri Lama

Networking as a Female Programmer


Binita Shrestha: Binita Shrestha is Co-Founder/CEO of Women in STEM Nepal. A software engineer who is active as an educator, mentor and trainer, Binita works to encourage, train and empower young women for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) projects, and has won second prize at International Girls in ICT day 2015 for her work. She has also been awarded the EmpowHER 2015, Aspiring Leader by Ujyalo Foundation. Binita holds a Bachelors of Engineering in Information Technology from NCIT College.

Rojina Deuja: Rojina did computer engineering from Nepal Engineering College and is currently working at Yomari as an Associate Developer. A biology student in high-school, Rojina took a leap of faith into engineering after being hopelessly fascinated by her very first online code-project. She has been actively involved in tech-events as an organizer, host, leader, competitor and a team-player. She was also appointed a Microsoft Student Partner in 2016. She holds several awards across multiple tech-events and is thankful to every individual she has met. All in all, she relishes on being a bright and confident young girl who can cook pretty well. Her tech-girl advice: If at first, you don’t succeed, fix your wings and try again.

Sweta Karna: Sweta is currently a Director in a leading software company. She has 11 years of experience in the IT industry, working in multinational companies in both India and Nepal. She received her engineering degree from Pune University in India and has been awarded Aishwarya Vidya Padak by the Nepal government for the highest score among girls in Intermediate of Science from Kathmandu University. She strongly believes that women can widen her horizons as much as she wants.

Nepal female programmers

From left: Rojina Deuja, Sweta Karna, Binita Shrestha

Moderator: Dovan Rai
Record Date: July 4, 2017

Cover Illustration: Anushri Lama

Sujhaab Chautaari

Author: Sujhaab Chautaari

One response to “Networking as a Female Programmer”

  1. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Its very nice to know female of Nepal actively being involved in the field of programming . We should have more of these kinds of podcasts and articles relating to these topics for the motivating other females and for networking as well.

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