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Utar Chadav Podcast Series: Exam Anxiety

You have heard about, or probably felt butterflies in your stomach, a quickening heartbeat, sweaty palms, or a dry mouth before or during an important exam. These are all symptoms of anxiety. While anxiety before an important event is to be expected, for some people, it can become disabling. They could get panic attacks, upset stomach, fainting, or draw a complete blank.

Anya was one such student who understands all the material and does all her work, but struggles to perform well during the exam. Let’s take a closer look at exam anxiety, through Anya’s story.

Utar Chadav is our podcast series where we take an open and curious approach to mental health issues. Hosted by two mental health counselors, we talk about all the issues that we do not normally talk about, which ends up leading many people to suffer in silence. This is our very first episode of the podcast, and is fully in English. The English version is called Judgemental.


Raji Manjari Pokhrel is a mental health worker living and working in Kathmandu, Nepal. Her background lies in community organising and mental health and her passion is to integrate the two at the intersection of gender. She provides therapy online and in person. She completed her Masters in Social Work from Columbia University School of Social Work, 2013. You can get in touch with her at [email protected].


Author: Mamata Pokharel

Mamata Pokharel is a communications professional and mental health counselor based in Kathmandu. She is also the Founding Editor of Sujhaab Chautaari.

2 responses to “Utar Chadav Podcast Series: Exam Anxiety”

  1. Avatar Rani gurung kakshapati shuvatara school says:

    It Is great to now you work on mental health issues ….do you do counselling for schools?? [email protected]

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